Wednesday, November 25, 2009

We got a car ! well sort of ...

We bought our first car , it only took 6 years for us to want a car but we have one now . We got a great deal . It is an 1999 Oldsmobile Alero and was in great condition . Key word being "was" . We bought the car on Friday the 13th of November . We thought we would be bold and go against superstition , which worked out well for the first week but then on the 21st , we had an accident . Matt was pulling out of his parking space at the local Cumberland Farms and had stopped to let a driver go on to the next parking spot , but this driver did not pay attention and did not slow down . Still going 25 , he hit the rear bumper , pretty much took it off and smashed our right rear light . The guy gave Matt false info and now the authorities have to review the surveliance tapes to find his plate number . Basically it is a hit and run . What luck huh? Now , I am a little superstitious and we are stuck with out a car until we hear from the authorities , if they have found anything . The car now looks like this .

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Night

This year we decided to dress as comic book and video game characters . I was Princess Kitana from Mortal Kombat . She is a ninja princess . Matt was Wolverine from X-men . A weird combination for a couple but it works.

We decided to carve pumpkins this year and they ended looking really good .

I carved a Vampire and his female victim . You have to focus on the negative color to really see it

Matt made a crazy bat with a moon on the side .